There are many exciting parts about getting ready to wed but one thing stands out about preparing for marriage.
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The Great Thing About Marriage
When we get ready for marriage, we go through a process that we don't experience in any other part of life. The journey to get to know our spouse to prepare for a lifetime together is unlike anything else we encounter. Getting to know one another, and learning new things that are both wonderful and challenging even after we're engaged to be married is a very unique process.
Preparing For Marriage
In addition to the personal and very important aspect of getting to know our spouse-to-be, we have a wedding to plan that may be done on a small scale with friends and family or truly a community event that invites hundreds of people and takes hours upon hours of planning just to go well.
But the best part about getting married isn't getting your dress and tux or finding the perfect venue or inviting your guests who are excited to be a part of your wedding. It's not calling your bridesmaids and groomsmen and hearing the excitement in their voices as they hear the excitement in yours as you give them the best news you've given them to date.
Other Benefits of Marriage Prep
It's not even the reception or rehearsal dinner tasting where you will likely have one of the best samples of food you've ever had as caterers try to convince you to select their company to serve food at your wedding.
The best part of preparing for marriage is learning how to give to and with the person who you will soon marry. Giving is something that we all learn to do throughout our lives. We give to our friends, family, parents, and siblings. We give our time, talents, labor, thoughts, ideas, and yes our finances.
As a minister and husband myself, I believe that the kind of giving that we learn to do with our spouse is unique, special, and extraordinary. It stretches us to give at levels that we didn't know we were able to for whatever reason or another. The kind of giving that we encounter with our husband or wife is the kind that requires more of us than we are used to. This is a gift. It makes us stronger and makes us weaker at the same time but it makes us better.
The Bible shares that it is better to give than to receive in Acts 20:35. One of the ways that this is true is in a marriage where giving is the standard and is done gladly, willingly, and even cheerfully which the Bible also encourages.
When giving is not an obligation or a requirement but it's something that we genuinely want to do for our spouse that's the best part about preparing for marriage. Of course, we enjoy their company and being in love with them but a cornerstone that will keep our relationships thriving is sharing all of those things that were mentioned such as our time, talent, and efforts.
The Best Kind of Giving
There is no better place to give than to our spouse. There may be equals such as our parents and children but there is nothing better. Marriage is a sacred place where God shows up to bless us in all kinds of ways that He makes it clear are for our benefit and according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
If we are not used to giving in our lives, the time before we prepare for our wedding is especially important. For many, this is the first time that we truly learn to submit to one another and do what is not always comfortable. Sure, we've had challenges in our lives up to tihs point and made sacrifices for family, sports, church, and our community but there's something about this kind of giving that's different.
One of the biggest differences is that when we get married we go from becoming one person to one with another person. This is different than anything that we will ever do including parenting. Our actions are directly impacted by the choices another person makes and vice versa.
The Best Part
This means that wer are also rewarded in the best way. Yes, it is better to give than to receive. It blesses our hearts and matures us in a way that is new and transformative for our lives in the best way. This is the best part about preparing for marriage.